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The Verge
Google internally estimated many app devs overpaid Google by as much as $1.43 billion per year.

King, Machine Zone, NCSoft, Aniplex, DeNA, Com2US, CyberAgent, Webzen, Colopl, and — I think it’s Playa or Playla, but it’s hard to make out on the screen — these developers all appear in an internal August 2019 document as receiving less value compared to the 30 percent Google charged ’em.

Google estimated the average value the “top 100 most negative” devs were getting was just 19 percent. Simple math based on other slide deck numbers suggests the 100 devs overpaid $1.43 billion per year — Epic’s attorney had Marchak try it out on his own calculator in the courtroom.

Google will try to argue these calculations later turned out to be wrong.